Thursday, October 31, 2019

Life Sketch Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Life Sketch - Essay Example I know poverty, despair and suffering and what they do to a country as a whole and to the spirit of the people living through it. I vowed never again would I know such suffering. Since the day I arrived here I have worked very hard to get to where I am now. I have built a life for myself and my family. I am a full time student at ________________University working towards my Bachelors degree in _______________.I do not want pity or sympathy when I write these words. I am telling my story because I want you to understand it is not because of public assistance or handouts that I am where I am now, it is through my own hard work and determination. I now have four beautiful children and have them to love, care for, protect and teach. One of the most important gifts I can impart on them is the belief in themselves that they can achieve whatever they are willing to work towards. I want them to see that they are only limited by the constraints they place on themselves. I want to be a living example to them of what hard work, desire and belief in one's self can accomplish. Since arriving here I have gained a good grasp of the English language. From my limited knowledge and meager beginnings, I am now fluent in both oral and written English. As I previously stated. I am enrolled in college on a full time basis.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Ethical Worksheet Essay Example for Free

Ethical Worksheet Essay 1. What is the ethical issue or problem? Identify the issue succinctly. The probation officer has to generate a presentence investigation report for the husband’s trial. The probation officer has to keep in consideration that this last DUI would be the husband’s third conviction, the only one being after his military service. The standard sentence for a third time offense usually begins at a minimum of 90 days in custody. The husband, however, has a record diagnosing him with post-traumatic stress disorder (developed after serving in Somalia) where confinement can trigger regression, explosive outbursts, and traumatic flashbacks. What should the probation officer recommend? 2. What are the most important facts? Which facts have the most bearing on the ethical decision presented? Include any important potential economic, social, or political pressures, and exclude inconsequential facts. This is the husband’s third DUI offense. Due to the husband’s military service in Somalia, and his imprisonment by the enemy soldier, he now suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and has regressed to the level of a 10-year-old. As per his psychiatrists, any type of confinement could worsen his regression, triggering explosive outbursts and traumatic flashbacks. The standard sentencing (since he’s a third time offender) usually begins at a minimum of 90 days in custody. His prior convictions happened before his military service and he served a total of 60 days in custody, without incidents. 3. Identify each claimant (key actor) who has an interest in the outcome of this ethical issue. From the perspective of the moral agent—the individual contemplating an ethical course of action—what obligation is owed to the claimant? Why? Claimant (key actor) Obligation (owed to the claimant) Perspective (What does the claimant hope will happen?) Probation Officer Beneficence, protection, service The probation officer would strongly recommend for the husband be placed under house arrest and attend intensive therapy and rehabilitation, rather than being incarcerated or institutionalized. Husband Respect, order The husband would prefer to pay a fine, if any, and be penalized in any way other than confinement. Judge Beneficence, non-injury The judge would prefer to help the mental condition of the husband, as well as keep the order in any jails and/or correctional facilities. Psychiatrist Beneficence, farewell The psychiatrists would prefer to attend to the husband’s mental condition through intense therapy and rehabilitation, and avoid confinement at all cost. Society Justice, peace and order Society would prefer any type of rehabilitative therapy for the husband, a military veteran, and not incarceration. Evaluating Alternatives 4. What are two alternatives for the scenario? One alternative can be a wild card that you ordinarily may not consider an option because of potential implications. Both should be within free will and control of the same moral agent. Alternative A Alternative B The probation officer strongly recommends rehabilitative therapy and psychotherapy in place of any incarceration time. The probation officer generates the PSI report following protocol of recommending the standard mandatory minimum of 90 days in jail for being the husband’s third conviction. 5. Respond to the following questions based on your developed alternatives. Alternative A Alternative B What are the best- and worst-case scenarios if you choose this alternative? Best: The husband shows improvement through different types of therapy and overcomes alcoholism. Worst: Therapy is useless for the husband and his alcohol dependency worsens. Best: Standard procedures are followed. Husband has no outburst or violent flashbacks. Worst: Husband has a violent outburst hrs within incarceration, has to be placed in solitary confinement, mental state deteriorates. Will anyone be harmed if this alternative is chosen? If so, how will they be harmed? Consider families and derivative effects. The husband will be hurt if the therapies recommended do not work as expected. His mental condition and alcohol dependency may worsen if the issue is not approached properly. The husband’s mental, emotional, and maybe even physical state will worsen will incarceration, since his violent outburst and flashbacks will be reoccurring. Would honoring an idea or value—such as personal, professional, or religious—make the alternative invalid? Prioritizing the mental health and wellbeing of a military veteran with service related issues, such as PTSD makes the alternative invalid. Following the standard sentencing for a third time offender would make the alternative invalid. Are there any rules, laws, or principles that support the alternative? Are there rules, laws, or principles that make the alternative invalid? State the rule or principle and indicate if it invalidates or supports the alternative. 3455. Idiocy as a Defense You may not find the defendant guilty of if (he/she) was legally incapable of committing a crime because of idiocy. The defendant was legally incapable of committing a crime because of idiocy if at the time the crime was committed: 1. (he/she) had a mental disease or defect; 2. Because of that disease or defect, (he/she) did not know or understand the nature and quality of (his/her) act or did not know or understand that (his/her) act was morally or legally wrong. V C Section 23546 Penalty Third Conviction Within Ten Years 23546. (a) If a person is convicted of a violation of Section 23152 and the offense occurred  within 10 years of two separate violations of Section 23103, as specified in Section 23103.5, 23152, or 23153, or any combination thereof, that resulted in convictions, that person shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than 120 days nor more than one year and by a fine of not less than three hundred ninety dollars ($390) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000). The persons privilege to operate a motor vehicle shall be revoked by the Department of Motor Vehicles as required in paragraph (5) of subdivision (a) of Section 13352. The court shall require the person to surrender his or her drivers license to the court in accordance with Section 13550 Applying Ethical Guidelines 6. Consider each ethical guideline and explain whether it would support or reject your alternative. Guidelines based on the action itself Alternative A Alternative B Should this alternative become a rule or policy that everyone in this situation should follow in similar situations in the future? (Kant) Yes No Does this alternative result in using any person as a means to an end without consideration for his or her basic integrity? (Kant) No Yes Is the intent of this action free from vested interest or ulterior motive? (Kant’s good will) Yes Yes Does this alternative demonstrate a genuine concern for others affected by the decision, and is the moral agency responding to a perceived need? Yes: concern for others and responding to a perceived need are implicated No Guidelines based on consequences Alternative A Alternative B Is the good that results from this alternative outweighed by the potential harm that might be done to others? (Mill’s harm principle) Possibly No Is any harm brought about by anyone other than the moral agent? (causal harm) No Yes, the husband and the implicated correctional facility Will anyone be harmed who can be said to be defenseless? (paternalism) No Yes, the husband in a regressed mental state of a 10 year old To what degree is this alternative based on the moral agent’s own best interest? (ethical egoism) Not based on the parole officer’s own interest. It is based on the best interest of the husband. Not based on the parole officer’s own interest. It is based on the best interest of the husband. Which alternative will generate the greatest benefit—or the least amount of harm—for the greatest number of people? Select only one alternative. (utilitarianism) Alterative A will generate the greatest benefit. Ethical Decision Making 7. Choose to proceed with either Alternative A or Alternative B and explain the reasons for your decision. I recommend that on the parole officer’s presentencing investigation report strongly recommend an alternative type of punitive action against the husband, in lieu of incarceration. He should take in consideration not only the welfare and mental health of the husband, but the order in the corresponding correctional facility. The parole officer should note that incarceration will not only greatly deteriorate the husband’s mental, emotional, and even physical health, but it will also create altercations and physical confrontations in jail. The parole officer should push for some type of intensive rehabilitative therapy, as well as psychotherapy, and any other type of therapy the husband may need in order to treat his mental condition as well as to address his alcohol dependency. If necessary, applying a fine and/or house arrest in order to pay for the offense. The par ole officer should put the health and well being of the husband first.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Political Environment And Social Environment Marketing Essay

Political Environment And Social Environment Marketing Essay We have chosen Nestle as the company that we would analyse in this assignment because Nestle is a big and well known company in todays era of globalization and very much people-oriented, and committed to understanding its consumers needs throughout the world in order to provide the best products for peoples lives which would make it easier for us to obtain and analyse the information about their marketing segmentation, market environment, marketing mix and background of Nestle. Furthermore, all our members, Chia Poh Ling, Lee Yue Xhing, Leow Jo Yee and Yvonne Tay are more familiar with this company, which would help to make analysing and discussions go more smoothly. Nestlà © S.A. is the largest food company in the world. It is a Swiss multinational nutritional, snack food, and health-related consumer goods company headquartered in Vevey, Switzerland. The worlds leading food manufacturer and the market leader in both coffee and mineral water, produces a wind range of products. As the leading Food, Nutrition, Health and wellness Company, Nestlà © is the provider of the best food for whatever time of day and for whatever time of your life. Nestlà ©s products include baby food, bottled water, breakfast cereals, coffee, confectionery, dairy products, ice-cream, pet foods and snacks. The main shareholders of worlds largest cosmetics company, LOrà ©al is Nestlà ©. The objectives of the Nestlà © S.A. are to be recognized as the world leader in Nutrition, Health and Wellness, trusted by all its stakeholders, and to be the reference for financial performance in its industry.  Ã‚  [1]   Nestlà © S.A is the worlds leading nutrition, health and wellness company with an unmatched portfolio of more than 2,000 global and local brands. It has 468 factories spread over 86 countries, and employs around 330,000 people. Its products are sold in every country in the world.  [2]  Its agricultural services provide assistance to improve the quality and yield of the raw materials it uses. In 1867, the infant began to take the milk food supplement Henri Nestlà © had developed, and a life was saved. The product, called Farine Lactà ©e Nestlà ©, was soon marketed throughout much of Europe, and a new brand name began to take on life. Henri Nestlà © adopted his own coat of arms as a trademark in 1867. Translated from German, Nestlà © is universally understood to represent nurturing and caring, security, nourishment and family bonding which is little nest and the now-famous symbol. The company Henri Nestlà © founded as it fulfills its commitment to Good Food, Good Life. In 1905, the Nestlà © Company merged with the Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company, the first condensed milk factory which opened in Switzerland in 1866. Nestlà © entered into the milk chocolate business in 1904 when Peter Kohler Swiss General Chocolate Company produced milk chocolate under the Nestlà © trademark. The chocolate company later joined the Nestlà © Group in 1929. While the original business was based on milk and dietetic foods for children, the new Nestlà © grew and diversified its range of products, through acquisitions and mergers with the better known brands of the time.  [3]   Nestlà © began in Malaysia in 1912 as the Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company in Penang and later, growth and expansion made a move to Kuala Lumpur necessary in1939. Since 1962, with  its first factory in Petaling Jaya, Nestlà © Malaysia now manufactures its products in 7 factories and operates from its head office in Mutiara Damansara. The Company was publicly listed on the KLSE now known as Bursa Malaysia Berhad on 13 December, 1989. Today, the Company employs more than 5000 people and manufactures as well as markets more than 300 Halal products in Malaysia. Its brand name such has MILO, NESCAFE, MAGGI, NESPRAY  and KIT KAT  have become trusted household names and enjoyed for generations.  [4]   Market Segmentation, targeting and positioning Market segmentation involves aggregating of prospective buyers into groups, or segments that have common needs and will respond similarly to a marketing action.  [5]  Nestle provide a wide range of nutritious food and beverages for everyone to practice a balanced and healthy diet and lifestyle. There are four types of major segmentation variables for consumer markets which include geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioral. Segment marketing has given the company a clearer picture of their customers and competitors so that the company can come up with a more fine-tuned products and services that satisfied customers needs. Through market segmentation, targeting and positioning, Nestle can reach out to their customers more easily and serve their customers more effectively and efficiently. Segmentation We found out that Nestle classify their market by using geographic, demographic and psychographic segmentation based on consumer characteristics. In geographic segmentation, Nestle has divided their market into urban areas (cities) and rural areas (villages). Besides that, Nestle also uses demographic factor to segment its market, it consists on income level and educational level. The income level and educational level can be categorized as low, middle and high level consumers. Apart from that, Nestle uses psychographic factor to differentiate the market. The segmentation variables that Nestle uses are personality, social class and lifestyle. Nestle can groups individuals according to their personalities such as extrovert, self-disciplined or energetic. Nestle divides their customers into low social class, medium social class and high social class. Targeting A target market is a potential market that a company has decides to concentrate its marketing efforts and resources to enter those markets. Nestle segments its market by regions, income level, educational level, personalities, social class and lifestyle. By applying the information and observations that we get, we can simply identify the target market of Nestle. In this case, we found out Nestle focuses on urban areas rather than rural areas. The consumption of Nestle products is often in cities as compared to villages. This may be due to income and educational level. The people in rural area mostly could not afford the products of Nestle as it is considered as luxuries. They do not have strong sense of health consciousness due to educational background. This makes them the less attractive buyers. For segmentation by income level, Nestle has been targeting on those consumer who earn middle income and high income. People will purchase healthy and nutritious food and beverages when they have enough monetary resources to back up them. Those consumers with higher income tend to be the potential buyers for Nestle because they bring most profit into the company. Furthermore, for educational level Nestle tends to pay more attention to those consumers who has an education background. They will be more concern of their health and they will do more to maintain it. Through education, we can improve our knowledge and develop life skills which can contribute to individual and community health. Those people with an education background are more likely to practice and maintain a healthy and balanced diet as they know health is more important than wealth. For personality segmentation, Nestle is targeting consumers who are more outgoing and outdoorsy. It is because they require more energy and nutrition that they have lost during their activities. By adapting nutritional input to physical needs, they can get the most from their body.  [6]  These people wish to maintain their energy level and quick recovery after a hectic day by adapting a balanced diet that provides them with essential nutrients and energy. In addition, from the social class and lifestyle segments, Nestle is targeting consumers who are belong to the higher social classes. They have high purchasing power so that they can afford more luxuries such as Nestles products. These people are the target market of Nestle because they tend to be more health conscious. Nestles products often emphasize on nutritional value and health benefits that can improve ones lifestyle and health issues. As conclusion, Nestle is able to reach out to their customers that it can serve best and most profitably. Through segmentation and targeting market, Nestle can enhance the profits for their company and increase effectiveness in their marketing campaigns. Positioning Product positioning refers to the place an offering occupies in consumers minds on important attributes relatives to competitive products. Nestle positioned itself as  the world leader in Nutrition, Health and Wellness, trusted by all its stakeholders, and to be the reference for financial performance in its industry.  Ã‚  [7]  Nestle uses the slogan Good Food Good Life to enhance lives, throughout life, with good food and beverages.  [8]  Nutrition content in their products is the main focus to strengthen their leadership in nutrition industry. To remain their position in that industry, they must identify their competitive advantages against their competitors. Nestle has listed out four competitive advantages of their company that may help their company to compete with their competitors, that are unmatched product and brand portfolio, unmatched research and development (RD) capability, unmatched geographic presence and lastly people, culture, values and attitude  [9]   . For unmatched product and brand portfolio, Nestle provide the largest range of food and beverages among all the food company. Their products range from global icons to local favourites that can adapt to consumer needs, tastes and preferences, making Nestle as a global brand that relevant to everyone and everywhere. Besides that, it is supported by unmatched RD capability that improves the products through innovation and renovation so that it can meet consumer needs and enhances consumer benefits. Nestle spent over billions of dollar on its RD just to ensure its consumer gets the essential nutrition that their body needed. Nestle has an unmatched geographic presence competitive advantage due to the number of countries where they presence. They have been in most countries for over decades and successfully created a strong relationship between their brands and their consumers.  [10]  This also means that they have has plenty of time to study about the local preferences and behaviors to improve their products taste to match the locals preferences. The most important competitive advantage for Nestle is their people, culture, values and attitude. The Nestle culture created a strong bond between their people with a shared set of behaviors and values into a single way of doing business. Their people are determined to deliver their goals as while as creating value to the public.  [11]   Marketing environment Marketing environment consists of microenvironment (internal environment) and macroenvironment (external environment). It embraces all the marketing team inside a firm and includes all the outside factors of marketing that affect the teams ability to develop and maintain successful customer relationships with their targeted customer group.  [12]  Nestle is using it to improve customer relationship management and adapt new strategies when it comes to challenges and opportunities. Microenvironment Suppliers Suppliers are the one who delivered the resources needed by the company to produce the products or services to the consumers. Any problems that incurred in supplier can greatly affect the company sales and damage customer relationship. We can divide the suppliers of Nestle into two groups that are labour suppliers and material suppliers.  [13]  Labour suppliers are in charge of the supply of labour required by the company to optimize their production level. Labour strikes and labour relations are the most important factor to maintain labour satisfaction for company to improve their efficiency. For material suppliers, they deal with the materials needed by the company to place the finished goods on rack. The quality of the material is everything that the company focuses on as Nestle is in the food and beverages industry. By maintaining the quality and quantity of these two supplies, Nestle is able to produce high quantity product to uphold their sales volume and customer satisfact ion in the long run. Marketing intermediaries It helps the company to promote, sell and distribute its product to the final buyers.  [14]  The physical distribution firms design the delivery chain for the company products to reach their final destination. The firms also in charge with the products safety without getting any damage while storing them temporarily. Marketing service agencies of the company helps to target and promote its products to the right market.  [15]  It acts as a communication channel between the customers and the company by explaining the features of the product and providing feedback with the help of survey for the company to improve the quality of the product.  [16]  Banks and insurance companies are financial intermediaries that help to provide monetary resources and protection to the product and company against risk that may be occurred during the operation of the company. Nestle works together with all marketing intermediaries to ensure their valuable customers have a clear image of their p roducts features. Customer Nestle sells its goods to reseller markets that provide the goods to final user at a reasonable profit. Nestle also deals with customer markets which consists of individuals and households that buy a wide range of its products. Nestle works hard on making the product available whenever the customer needs them to maintain customer satisfaction. Macroenvironment Political environment and Social Environment Nestle adhere to the laws and regulations that involve in its activities and the environment. The government may set quotas on the quantity of the products that it can supply and set the amount of taxes that the company must pays in order to conduct the business. To achieve a balance between them, Nestle participates in legislative and regulatory discussions between international organizations, government representatives, industry, scientific community and consumer associations.  [17]  In 2000, Nestlà © and other chocolate companies created the World Cocoa Foundation. The WCF takes control of the issues that cocoa farmers facing, which is ineffective farming techniques and poor environmental management. The WCF aims to increase farmer income, promote sustainable farming techniques, and launch environmental and social programmes.  [18]   Economic environment Customer purchasing power is majorly affected by a range of economic factors such as income levels, inflation, taxes, unemployment, exchange rates and mortgage rates  [19]  . The disposable income and living standard of a country may bring big business opportunities for Nestle or the other way round. Cultural environment Before Nestle start its operation in any country, it mainly focus on studying the societys cultural value, preferences and behaviors. This is because Nestle hopes its products can be accepted by the local with warm welcome and be competitive among other companies that operating at the same level.  [20]   Technological environment Technologies are the vital part of Nestle RD. Investment in technology will definitely help the company to reduce production cost and improve product quality. For example, Nestle have developed technologies that allow them to use natural vegetable oils instead of partially hydrogenated fats in Maggi  bouillon cubes and seasonings.  [21]  With the help of technology improvement, Nestle can create healthier products across their product range and thus improve health and quality of life in a country. Product We choose Nestlà ©Ã‚ ® since it is a brilliant and well known example of where as the superior quality, patented technology and basically selling directly to consumers and this whole business is growing rapidly.  [22]  The certified Halal status for all Nestlà © Malaysia products provides assurance and pledge that Nestlà © products are manufactured, imported and distributed under the strictest and tightest hygienic and sanitary condition in accordance, match to the Islamic faith.  [23]   The beverages offered by Nestlà ©Ã‚ ® is Milo, a jam packed with the natural goodness of malt, skimmed milk and cocoa for that great chocolatey taste loved by Malaysians from all walks of life as a Tonic Food Drink. MILO 3in1 offers the great taste of MILO in a more convenient format that easily prepare for your breakfast. Have a delicious goodness of a can of Milo whenever you go to keep energized. There are original, Mocha and Hi-Cal flavors of Milo Can. Bring home the cold delicious taste of the MILO Sejuk, just add cold water, its that easy. Milo UHT, MILO with the same energy-packed, rich chocolatety taste also comes in handy ready to drink packs escpecially during festival. Nestlà © has employed a wide-area strategy for Asia that involves producing different products in each country to supply the region with a given product from one country such as Nestlà © produces soy milk in Indonesia, coffee creamers in Thailand, soybean flour in Singapore, candy in Malaysia, and cereal in the Philippines, all for regional distribution. Product Features Why do you like Milo? This is because Milo contain varying features and benefits, such as: Natural Goodness~ of malt, skimmed milk, and cocoa. ACTIGEN-E~ a combination of 8 vitamins and 4 minerals which helps in theoptimal release of energy. PROTOMALT~ a malt extract with a mixture of different Carbohydrates thatprovides energy and nutrients the body needs  [24]   Product Branding It is very important and vital because a brand is a term, name, sign, symbol, or design, or combination of these, that identifies the products or services of one seller or group of sellers and distinguishes them from those of competitors.  [25]  Branding helps the seller to segment markets, helps buyers and consumers identify products that might benefits them. For example, rather than just offering one general product to all customers, Nestlà ©Ã‚ ® can offer the different Koko Krunch, Honey Star, Nestle Bliss, Nescafà ©, Maggi, Nestle La Cremeria, Tropicana, and Kit Kat. In line with the Nestlà © position as a trusted food, nutrition and wellness company, Nestlà ©Ã‚ ® also focused on nourishing Malaysians to achieve overall wellness and deliver their promise to bring Good Food, Good Life to the people from all walks of life.  [26]   Packaging In todays era of globalization, for consumers, refreshing, ready-to-enjoy drinks are part of an dynamic and energetic lifestyle whether at play, home or work. Going beyond healthy refreshment, convenience, and quality, Nestlà © works hard to ensure that all packaging including drinks packaging respects the environment. In 2009, Nestlà © was able to save 58995 tonnes of packaging  material (paper, board, plastic, glass, metal) through its efforts to prevent food waste, guarantee their high quality. The approach includes many steps such as: decrease the volume and weight of packaging materials using recycled making material in packaging content wherever realistic supporting local packaging recycling and energy recovery activities helping customer to understand and take action to recycle more packaging  [27]   Labeling Label, is a part of packaging to perform several functions like identifies the product or brand, describe several things about the product who made it, where it was made, when it was made, its contents, how it is to be used, and how to use it safely, and lastly is to promote the brand, support its positioning, and connect with customers.  [28]  Nutritionists and scientists  has corporate responsibility through food labeling, like Nestle has provided the details of the nutrients that the average person needs to consume each day, so that consumers could easily understand. The symbols on the Appendix were designed to show the amount of nutrition contains of Milo. Product Support Service Customer service is another element of product strategy, which can be a minor part or a major part of customer service.  [29]  Nestle, one of the worlds largest food and nutrition company, has been a popular food brand in India for nearly a century, which include head office, manufacturing plants and branch offices spread all over India. Nestle offers excellent customer support for their products and if you need any assistance from their customer support team, following information through browsing internet will help you to get in touch with Nestle customer care division easily and more quickly. Approach Nestle customer-care via online Visit  and you can find information about many brands and products like Milk products and baby food, prepared products, beverages, chocolate and confectionaries, yogurts, drinks etc. If you have any request, query, interest, concern or complaint, submit the form at You can submit Maggi related information at You can visit, which is a site special to mothers and new born babies. Place Place, also known as distribution and it involves company activities that make the product available to target consumers. It must be as conveniently available as possible that the customers want the product and service. Choosing the right product channel of distribution is key to the success of an organization because it will affect the sales volume of a company. This shown that selecting a place is very important and challenging for every company. Distribution Channel Nestle are subject intensive distribution where a firm tries to place their products into outlets as many as possible to meet the needs of consumers whenever. Nestle has developed distribution channels which to make sure the provision of products that the consumers able to purchase it whenever and wherever.  [30]  Hence, Nestle attempts to provide as many outlets as possible and expand it. Nestle uses two types of channel intermediaries that are wholesaler and retailer and it is convenient for Nestle because both channels have a lot of advantages in high number of ordering, short period of time to shipment, and have a large number of customers.  [31]   Retailer and wholesaler as their intermediaries between a producer and consumer where the products from the producer to the consumer through the retailer or wholesaler.  [32]  Nestle as the producer and distribute their products to wholesaler or directly to retailer then retailer sells the goods and products to consumer. Location Convenience Stores A small store which is located near a residential area or along the roadside and it usually open 24 hours such as 7-eleven, petrol stations, rest stops, and so on. Consumers can buy Nestle products at the convenience stores because Nestle tries to ensure the availability of products so that the consumers able to purchase it whenever and wherever. Consumers are more convenience and easily to buy Nestle products. Supermarkets A large, low-cost, low-margin, high-volume, self-service operation designed to serve the consumers total needs for grocery and household products such as Jusco, Tesco, Carrefour, and so forth. Supermarkets have a huge selection of products available for consumers at low prices. So, consumers can choose Nestle products which based on their needs then purchase it at low prices because supermarkets offer many choices for Nestle products compare with other small stores. Superstores A store much larger than a regular supermarket that offers a large assortment of routinely purchased food products, nonfood items, and services such as Walmart. Superstores stock huge stocks Nestle products purchasing them in large lots. So, the prices of products are cheaper. Consumers can take advantage of these price savings with buy a lot of various kinds of Nestle products such as Milo, Nescafe, Nestea, and so on. Consumers are saving greatly on time, effort, and money. Price A product price influences wages, rent, interests, and profits, of course some prospective customers are interested in low prices, where as another segment is more concerned with other factors, such as service, quality, value, and brand image. Nestlà © estimated and predicted the cost by doing accumulated production as if they produced mass production so it reduced their labored cost and other cost for production process its a big advantages and benefits of the Nestlà © company who produce large quantity of units. With the help accumulated and estimated the production Nestlà © Company has a low cost of production and high profit margin and Nestlà © Company selecting a price method of going rate price because their pricing near the competitor pricing. A good example is Nestle juices have a market leader in beverage industry and lastly Nestlà © set the final pricing related to their market competitors so Nestlà © price do not have impact on the company policy, and other marketing activities.  Ã‚  [33]   Flexible and elastic prices are the key factors of victory of Nestlà © in global market, for example Milkpak being the largest selling brand is being sold out at the same price as that of other lower quality products while maintaining its quality. Their marketing strategy includes a wide range of pricing strategy, and by doing this they can retain and keep their product rates at a sustainable position. Prices are affordable and have enough money to buy to almost all types of consumers as they have wide range of single product as in the case of beverages, fruit juices are affordable to low economy class and expensive tin packed beverages are also doing business in the market. Bulk purchase discount is also provided at the whole sale markets as well as at the market stores and besides seasonal price variations are also seen, especially in the case of chocolate products, either by upsizing at the same price or reducing the sale price.  [34]   Price Strategy Price strategy is a basic, long-term pricing structure, which creates the initial price for a product and the intended direction for price movements over the product life cycle. There are three type of pricing strategy which is Market-Skimming Pricing, Market-Penetration pricing. Nestle Malaysia at present practicing penetration pricing to market Milo which is away where Nestle charges a relatively low price for a product (Milo) at the beginning as a way to reach the mass market. Establishing Price Goal Marketers have two choices whether to use profit towards profit maximization or satisfactory pricing. The marketer need to have an understanding of trends and changes in the market place to set a goal, mission and vision. If Nestle Milo has decided to go for profit maximization objective, they must be able to afford large amount of investment. It is not difficult to follow competitors pricing but they may not have the best to think about cost, demand and changes in Product Life Cycle. So they have to require a careful and thoroughgoing analysis before setting the price.  [35]   Price Tactic Diagram 34-9c9f2ae321 Product Bundle Pricing In United States and Canada,  Hà ¤agen-Dazs products are produced by Nestlà © and come in several traditional flavors. The example of price bundling is Haagen-dazs, a company which is famous as

Friday, October 25, 2019

Freedom for Rousseau and Individual Liberties Essay -- Jean Jacques Ro

Freedom for Rousseau and Individual Liberties The purpose which Rousseau ostensibly gives his social contract is to free man from the illegitimate chains to which existing governments have shackled him. If this is his aim, then it follows that he should be most concerned with the preservation of freedom in political society, initially so that savage man might be lured out of nature and into society in the first place, and afterwards so that Rousseau’s framework for this society will prevent the present tyranny from reasserting itself. Indeed, in his definition of purpose for man’s initial union into society, he claims that, despite his membership in an association to which he must necessarily have some sort of obligation if the contract is to be valid, he will â€Å"obey only himself and remain as free as before† ( 4). However, hardly a paragraph later, he appears to contradict this idea entirely, saying instead that men’s union into society constitutes â€Å"the total alienation of each associ ate with all of his rights to the whole community† ( This apparent contradiction begs the question, what is the freedom that Rousseau envisions for man, and how does this kind of freedom relate to individual rights and protect the individual within a society governed by the general will? Rousseau’s conception of freedom begins to take shape in the transition from nature to society, in which a fundamental shift occurs in human nature that translates into a change in the nature of freedom between the two states. Entrance into civil society, Rousseau argues, â€Å"produces the most remarkable change in man by substituting justice for instinct in his conduct† (I.viii.1). That is, entering civil society allows man to exist peacefully in ... ...s him without any recourse except to accept the constant error of his ways and obey. Rousseau opens The Social Contract with the claim that he is â€Å"taking men as they are,† but he is in fact taking man as he wishes he might someday become, as his theory of human perfectionism betrays (I.i.1). And while Hobbes understands that man will never bow voluntarily to coercion and will fight for his life inside and outside of society, Rousseau thinks man can be conditioned to accept coercion as a blessing so that no force will need to be exerted to keep him in order. And in the process of shaping men in the image of his mind’s eye, he is willing himself to tolerate what he calls â€Å"the most enormous abuses,† from the subjection of men’s very thoughts to the jurisdiction of the law, down to the right of the sovereign to execute citizens it deems a danger to its amorphous good. Freedom for Rousseau and Individual Liberties Essay -- Jean Jacques Ro Freedom for Rousseau and Individual Liberties The purpose which Rousseau ostensibly gives his social contract is to free man from the illegitimate chains to which existing governments have shackled him. If this is his aim, then it follows that he should be most concerned with the preservation of freedom in political society, initially so that savage man might be lured out of nature and into society in the first place, and afterwards so that Rousseau’s framework for this society will prevent the present tyranny from reasserting itself. Indeed, in his definition of purpose for man’s initial union into society, he claims that, despite his membership in an association to which he must necessarily have some sort of obligation if the contract is to be valid, he will â€Å"obey only himself and remain as free as before† ( 4). However, hardly a paragraph later, he appears to contradict this idea entirely, saying instead that men’s union into society constitutes â€Å"the total alienation of each associ ate with all of his rights to the whole community† ( This apparent contradiction begs the question, what is the freedom that Rousseau envisions for man, and how does this kind of freedom relate to individual rights and protect the individual within a society governed by the general will? Rousseau’s conception of freedom begins to take shape in the transition from nature to society, in which a fundamental shift occurs in human nature that translates into a change in the nature of freedom between the two states. Entrance into civil society, Rousseau argues, â€Å"produces the most remarkable change in man by substituting justice for instinct in his conduct† (I.viii.1). That is, entering civil society allows man to exist peacefully in ... ...s him without any recourse except to accept the constant error of his ways and obey. Rousseau opens The Social Contract with the claim that he is â€Å"taking men as they are,† but he is in fact taking man as he wishes he might someday become, as his theory of human perfectionism betrays (I.i.1). And while Hobbes understands that man will never bow voluntarily to coercion and will fight for his life inside and outside of society, Rousseau thinks man can be conditioned to accept coercion as a blessing so that no force will need to be exerted to keep him in order. And in the process of shaping men in the image of his mind’s eye, he is willing himself to tolerate what he calls â€Å"the most enormous abuses,† from the subjection of men’s very thoughts to the jurisdiction of the law, down to the right of the sovereign to execute citizens it deems a danger to its amorphous good.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Absolute Truth – Is There Such a Thing as Absolute Truth

Is There Such A Thing As Absolute Truth? There are two answers for the question, â€Å"Is there such a thing as absolute truth? † The answer could be either yes or no. In my opinion, the answer is yes, because every individual lives his or her life in various experiences. Some people claim to know the absolute truth. Individuals based their truth on experiences and emotions and at times not logically consistent. When force fields such as emotions are present decisions are made then opinions are formed.For example, politics, I state politics because it never has a common ground. In politics you’re either Democrat or Republican, and both parties feel their plan is the absolute truth. As an American, we have the right to our own opinion but realize that our opinion is not the absolute truth. To make the statement that there is no absolute truth is invalid. Because one plus one does equal two so there is absolute truth which can be proven and understood. Is there such a thi ng as absolute truth?Yes, because of human conscience that â€Å"duty† within us that tells us that certain things are right and wrong. Therefore, our conscience let us know there is something wrong with pain, hunger, rape and makes us aware that love, peace, and charity are positive things for which we should strive for. In my opinion it so important to understand the concept of absolute truth in all areas of life this includes religion, because consequences exist in life for being wrong.For instance, a nurse can give a patient the wrong amount of a medication that can kill them; having an investment broker make the wrong monetary decisions can put you and your family in poverty; getting on the wrong bus will take someone where they do not wish to go; and dealing with an cheating spouse can result in the destruction of a family and potentially divorce. There are so many religions in this world that attempt to give their meaning and definition to absolute truth.Your existence is absolute truth which is simple. Through religion, mankinds seek God, we hope for the future, forgiveness of our sins, peace in the midst of struggle, and answers to our deepest questions. Religion is really proof that mankind is more than just a highly evolved creature. God implanted in man the desire to know him, and God is indeed the Creator, which makes Him the standard for absolute truth, and with His authority that establishes the absolute truth.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Pandora Marketing Strategy Essay

Pandora has often been heralded for it’s great success in word of mouth and viral marketing. By 2012 Pandora had accumulated 100 million+ active and registered users, most of which had been acquired organically. According to an interview with Matt Nichols, Pandora’s Director of Marketing, Pandora success comes from providing a personalized service that it’s ‘competitors’ simply don’t match up to. â€Å"You can create personalized radio stations that play only music you’ll love†¦ help you discover music you’ll enjoy and only play you songs that you want to hear ( It is this model of personalized radio to for todays listeners who like their music how, when, and where they want it and all of that for free, that has allowed Pandora to remain the largest player in online radio. Search In 2005 Pandora began a highly successful paid search campaign that ran for a little over three years. Through search optimization and paid advertising through popular search engines such as Google and Yahoo! Pandora was able to draw in a larger listening base. Unfortunately the campaign was shut down after a few years because the cost of advertising had begun to lower the margin for revenue, whose unit of monetization is based on cents per listening hours. Email Success in Pandora’s email strategy has been found by limiting emails sent to users on the basis of information relevant to their personal account, such as adding artists to a particular station. According the Nichols â€Å"It’s really about delivering information that is relevant, rather then killing the user with over emailing.† ( Integration Pandora reaches listeners who use desktop computers, laptops and mobile devices (e.g. smartphones, tablets) through its website and mobile apps respectively. Additionally, the company has partnered with several car  manufacturers such as Ford, Lincoln, Mercedes-Benz, MINI, BMW, Hyundai, Toyota, Lexus, Honda, among others to integrate its online radio service with automotive sound systems. Such strategic alliances do not generate any sort of revenue for Pandora but increase its exposure and utilization. oPandora’s advertising sales force in 2012 was 75% larger than a year earlier with five teams that focus on different platforms. The purpose of such increase has been to grow ads revenue faster than listener hours in order to offset the high royalty costs that those hours imply.